Traffic jams, work stress, endless appointments and meetings... Do you think fortune is not on your side? Do you always leave early and end up being late? We tell you some of the best ways to get there... secrets to better luck!
Scientists at the University of Hertfordshire have analysed different groups of people who felt lucky and others who felt unlucky for check which factor led to success and which led to failureWhat was your resolution?
Do you know what the secret of luck is? To feel that you are lucky! After analysing the two groups of people over a period of 10 yearsthe study concluded that if you're hoping to get luckyIf you do, it is more likely that you will end up with it.
Tips for better luck
1. Be positive
Positive thinking leads to a longer and healthier life. If we always think negatively We will never be able to change the situation and opportunities for improvement will pass us by without our noticing.
2. Set targets
You know what a person should do at some point in their life: write a book, plant a tree, have a child...? Well, that's exactly what it's all about. Set targets to fight for and have more passion in your life. Dream and try to fulfil your dreams.
3. Look for alternatives
You don't magically get job offers, do you? Well, that's the way it goes with everything in life. Look for alternatives and establish human connections that can possibly help you at some point in your life. You too can help them. you may be able to help on occasionlearning from their experiences.
4. Intuition
Be guided by your intuition when making decisions. Logic is important to take into account but in the end it is intuition that leads us down the path of fortune. Y get advice from othersListen to different opinions before deciding on something specific.
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